Testing + Assessment

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Every individual athlete holds their own set of abilities and fitness.Establishing your own true starting point will be the most effective way to begin any training program.

Different tests can be carried out to suit the abilities of each athlete and do not need to be exhaustive. We can carry out these simple tests outdoors, in swimming pools or even in the comfort of our own homes. These are typically called ‘field tests’ and can be repeated using the same setup for comparison.

While fitness testing can be challenging, it is necessary to find each individual athlete's current level of fitness. We can monitor and improve on those levels as the program develops.

Whether you are new to running and triathlon, or an experienced age grouper, fitness testing will give us the data needed to structure a program that is suited to your individual needs.

There are various ways to test an athlete’s fitness for swimming, biking, running and for strength.

We can do some testing in person at the gym where a more detailed instruction and monitored approach can be taken.


Type of testing

  • Single Leg Strength Testing

  • Balance Testing

  • Flexibility Testing

  • Beep Test with HR monitor

  • Treadmill Testing (various) with HR Monitor 

  • Lactate Threshold field test for both run and bike

  • FTP Test [on your own bike]

Remote Testing

Strength, flexibility, balance and coordination all done in the comfort of your own home.

Some examples of testing for running, biking and swimming

These are just examples and may not be applicable to the novice athlete looking to dip their toe in the water, so to speak.

Various types of sub maximal testing exist which make it possible to get a good indication of your current fitness levels, without pushing you to your limits. These sub maximal tests can be very effective for athletes returning from injury or those unfamiliar with maximal testing and pushing limits.

If you are interested in getting deeper into world of testing and how your body burns fuel at different intensities I would recommend some metabolic testing. This type of testing is more accurate than field testing and can give deeper insights into training zones. Here are my links for this type of testing.

thebikefitphysio.com (also does bike fitting)
